What are the purposes of the interest inventory?
The main purpose of an interest inventory is to provide information to an employer on what interests a candidate has which can be used to make decisions about job suitability.
The assessment provides an interest profile for each test-taker so you can easily identify candidates that are best suited to your job roles based on their preferences for work activities.
This type of assessment can also help individuals learn more about themselves and what they enjoy doing and make decisions about their future career paths.
How does the interest inventory work?
The interest inventory is based on the RIASEC Model, which reflects a candidate's preferences for different work activities.
The test requires test-takers to answer approximately 30 statements about their interests and the tasks at work they would enjoy doing. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete, with little challenge involved.
Once submitted, an interest profile is created which shows an employer candidate's likes and dislikes. An employer can use this data to align candidates with different job roles.
For example, an administrator may benefit from being both conventional and realistic compared to a graphic designer who would benefit from being artistic and enterprising.
The assessment was created by psychologists and psychometric experts to ensure the results are meaningful and not disrupted by irrelevant bias or insensitivity.